Official seal maker software
Official seal maker software

  1. #Official seal maker software pdf
  2. #Official seal maker software professional

  • Type the text you want to appear on your award certificate.
  • Once you do, the certificate creator will open. You can also click on “customize” on any certificate template on this site.

    official seal maker software

    We offer many certificate templates for various achievements.

  • Create an award certificate template as per the instructions above.
  • #Official seal maker software professional

    You can make your own certificate with a photo or logo with our free professional certificate maker. Open Certificate Maker How to use the Free Online Certificate Maker to Add a Logo or Photo Step 6 – Your Certificate is Ready!įeel free to use this certificate maker to make as many certificate templates as you need!

    #Official seal maker software pdf

    Step 5 – Download or Printĭownload as an image or as a PDF document or just print. To download (click on the icon that is marked above). To print, click on the printer icon. Usually, the certificate template will be ready after step 3, but some people might want to customize it further and add an image or even a business logo. To add a logo or an image, click on “Add Image”. Click on “Add Text” to add additional text. Add the name, reason for receiving the award certificate, date, and the name of the person awarding it. You can also drag the text around if you want to move it.

    official seal maker software

    You can also change the font, color, size, or make it bold or italic. For example, you can write, certificate of appreciation, certificate of completion, certificate of participation, or whatever you want to appear as your title.

    official seal maker software

    Click on “edit text” on the top of the certificate editor to edit each line of text.

    Official seal maker software